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Read Write Inc. is our approach for teaching phonics at St. Thomas' C of E Academy. Children begin their phonics journey as soon as they start in our Reception class so that no learning time is lost! Children learn the following sequence of Set 1, 2 and 3 sounds.

Children are assessed regularly to highlight those children who need phonics intervention in addition to their quality First Wave phonics teaching. At the end of Year 1, any children who do not reach the National Standard in phonics receive additional support in Year 2.

Additional information about Read Write Inc. can be found using the following link:

Phonics Expectations of Progress

Simple & Complex Speed Sounds Charts

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RWI booklet for parents

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RWI Set 1 Flashcards

RWI Set 2 Flashcards

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RWI Set 2 Flashcards 3.jpg
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RWI Set 2 Flashcards 1.jpg
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Phonics Policy

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